Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Ufone 3G Package Details

Version 1:
All 3G packages from Ufone are bundled with three different speeds, and named as U High that offers 256Kbps, U Supersonic that comes with 512 Kbps and U Hyper Sonic which has 1Mbps speeds.
Details of Ufone 3G Packages are:
U High Speed 256 KBPS
Daily 40 MB Price: Rs. 10
Half Day 50 MB Price: RS 5
Weekly 250 MB Price: Rs 50
Monthly 1 GB Price: RS. 200
Monthly 3 GB Price: RS 500
U SuperSonic 512 KBPS
Weekly 250 MB Price: Rs 75
Monthly 1 GB Price: RS 400
Monthly 1.5 GB Price: RS 750
U HyperSonic 1 MBPS
Weekly 250 MB : 100 Rs
Monthly 1 GB: RS 500
Monthly 1.5 GB: RS 700
Monthly 3 GB: RS 1200
Version 2:
According to version 2, U High will offers 64Kbps, U Supersonic will offer 128Kbps of speed and and U Hyper Sonic will bring you 512Kbps speeds.
Details of Ufone 3G Packages are:
U High Speed 64 KBPS
Daily 40 MB Price: Rs. 10
Half Day 50 MB Price: RS 3
Weekly 250 MB Price: Rs 25
Monthly 1 GB Price: RS. 100
Monthly 1.5 GB Price: RS. 150
Monthly 3 GB Price: RS 300
U SuperSonic 128 KBPS
Weekly 250 MB Price: Rs 50
Monthly 1 GB Price: RS 150
Monthly 1.5 GB Price: RS 200
Monthly 3 GB Price: Rs. 350
U HyperSonic 512Kbps
Weekly 250 MB : Rs. 70
Monthly 1 GB: RS 200
Monthly 1.5 GB: RS 300
Monthly 3 GB: RS 500
Version 3:
According to version 3, U High will offers 512Kbps, U Supersonic will offer 1mbps of speed and and U Hyper Sonic will bring you 2Mbps speeds.
Details of Ufone 3G Packages are:
U High Speed 512 KBPS
Daily 40 MB Price: Rs. 100
Half Day 50 MB Price: RS 120
Weekly 250 MB Price: Rs 250
Monthly 1 GB Price: RS. 500
Monthly 1.5 GB Price: RS. 700
Monthly 3 GB Price: RS 1000
U SuperSonic 1Mbps
Weekly 250 MB Price: Rs 350
Monthly 1 GB Price: RS 700
Monthly 1.5 GB Price: RS 1000
Monthly 3 GB Price: Rs. 1750
U HyperSonic 2 MBPS
Weekly 250 MB : Rs. 500
Monthly 1 GB: RS 750
Monthly 1.5 GB: RS 1500
Monthly 3 GB: RS 3000

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  ناڑہ پولیس کی نااہلی سجیکوٹ آبشار پر آنے والے سیاحوں کو ڈاکوناکہ لگا کرلوٹنے لگے ایک ہفتہ میں سیاحوں کو لوٹنے کا دوسرا واقعہ رونما ہوا...